What if…

How many times have you thought in your life ” what if I have done/said something? “, ” what if I didn’t have done/said something? “, ” what if I was/wasn’t somewhere the time I didn’t/did? “

Some what ifare just thoughts of the moment, but there are others that stuck in our minds, torture our lives and influence us radically.

If you could turn back time would you change things? Are there things you’ve done, decisions you’ve made, words you’ve said that you wish you haven’t? Or maybe we have to accept that everything happens for a reason and face the consequences of our past? 

It’s absolutely normal to regret about past things. The more painful the consequences of those things are, the more we regret them and get stuck in what if.

I totally understand that there are things are impossible to overcome but by getting stucked in the past the only thing we manage is to lose our present and future too. Since we can’t change what happened or what we caused, why not to try hard to build a future learning from our previous mistakes? 

The advance of the day? Don’t avoid something being afraid of what if.Learn from the past and build the future with less mistakes. 

8 thoughts on “What if…

  1. Psy says:

    Great post, very true. Getting stuck in the past often leads to rumination and sadness, although it can sometimes be good-nostalgic as well (pleasant memories).

    Focusing on the present and building a future are very solid points, cheers.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. ricknelsonmn says:

    I recently discovered Russ Harris, and just started looking for the book titled: “the Happiness Trap”. I read a small excerpt pdf of it online, and found it akin to your post today. I must qualify, that not having the book does mean there’s a lot left to discover.

    Living with trauma is an enlightening experience to me, exposing my human vulnerability. I explore lots of things to exemplify self encouragement and taking back loss.

    You’ve posted some encouraging words today, to me, avoidance of our human emotions, being human is common among trauma victims. Add another of my perceptions, trauma victims commonly have ptsd and use avoidance as a survival mechanism. Working out the fears, fighting the anxieties that are prevalent in life, take back life, foment new living.


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